Inspector in Charge Delany De Leon-Colon has 20 years of Federal Law Enforcement experience of which 16 years have been as a United States Postal Inspector. She began her federal career with the Unites States Immigration & Naturalization Service as an Immigration Inspector. She then became a Special Agent with the United States Secret Service where she conducted bank fraud, counterfeit currency, child exploitation and protection intelligence investigations. In 2004, Inspector De Leon-Colon became a United States Postal Inspector and was assigned to San Juan, Puerto Rico. She worked identity theft, mail fraud, money laundering, child exploitation and narcotics and weapons trafficking investigations. In 2007, Inspector De Leon-Colon supervised the narcotics & weapons trafficking investigations team in Puerto Rico which focused on multi-district cases involving end to end disruptions of multi kilo cocaine, heroin and weapons trafficking organizations in Puerto Rico and the continental United States.
In 2013, Inspector De Leon-Colon was promoted to the position of Assistant Inspector in Charge of the Miami Division where she managed multifunctional teams focused on mail theft, violent crimes, mail fraud, money laundering, narcotics and weapons trafficking investigations within the South Georgia and Florida districts. In 2018, Inspector De Leon-Colon became the Inspector in Charge of the Criminal Investigations Group, United States Postal Inspection Service, National Headquarters, where she had oversight of the violent crimes, mail theft, child exploitation, mail fraud and money laundering programs at a national level. In 2021, Inspector in Charge De Leon-Colon was re-assigned to the United States Postal Inspection Service Career Development Unit where she has oversight of Basic Training and In-Service training for the agency.