The Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation (FLETA) Board awarded accreditation to 16 programs and one academy during the biannual business meeting at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers in Glynco, GA from November 1-3, 2016.
On Tuesday, the FLETA Board met in executive session to discuss the FLETA budget, review operational requirements, and discuss future business. Nichole Cooper from the U.S. Postal Inspection Service was elected FLETA Board Second Vice Chair, and Captain Timothy Haws from the U.S. Coast Guard was appointed as the FLETA Board Parliamentarian. The Standards Steering Committee met and reviewed one standard for revision. The Awareness and Recognition Committee reviewed methods for recognizing assessor and team leader contributions to the FLETA process. The Law Enforcement Skills Committee met to review the Final Report of The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing (May 2015), and the impact on the FLETA process.
Members of the FLETA community delivered various workshops on Tuesday. The workshops, developed by and for the community, were delivered concurrently to allow accreditation managers, assessors, team leaders, authorizing officials, and other training support staff to attend the sessions that best addressed their needs. Workshops included: Preparing for the FLETA Assessment; Reviewing Files; Non-Compliance and Corrective Action Plans; Reaccreditation; Preparing for the FLETA Board; Team Leader Roundtable; Distance Learning Standards; Kirkpatrick’s Level I and III Analysis; File Building; and, a session with the Office of Accreditation to continue engagement and communication with the community.
On Wednesday, the Board reviewed seven programs for initial accreditation, and 10 programs and one academy for reaccreditation. Following the Board Review Committees, the FLETA Board met in executive session to discuss the reviews and make a determination of accreditation.
On Thursday, the FLETA Board conducted a public meeting attended by over 100 members of the FLETA community. During the meeting, the FLETA Board awarded the FLETA Team Leader Recognition Award to Julie Custer Altman from the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers. The FLETA Board meeting concluded with the awarding of accreditation to the below:
Initial Accreditation
- AFOSI - Basic Extension Program
- DOI - Investigator Training Program
- FEMA - Field Force Operations
- FLETC - Rural Police Officer Training Program
- FLETC - Law Enforcement Instructional Skills Training Program
- USCG/SMTC - Basic Tactical Operations Course
- AFSF – Security Forces Apprentice Course
- AFSF – Security Forces Officer Course
- FBI - Instructor Development Program
- FLETC - Law Enforcement Driver Instructor Training Program
- FLETC - Boat Operators Anti-Terrorism Training Program
- IRS - Special Agent Basic Training Program
- IRS - National Criminal Investigation Training Academy
- NASA - Federal Arrest Authority Basic Program
- NCIS - Basic Physical Security Training Program
- TIGTA - Special Agent Advanced Training Program
- USCG/MLEA - Basic Boarding Officers Course
The FLETA Board is the accrediting body for all federal law enforcement training and support programs. To achieve accreditation, agencies submit to an independent review of their academy and/or program to ensure compliance with the FLETA Standards and Procedures in the areas of: Administration, Training Staff, Training Development, Training Delivery, and Distance Learning. Accreditation is a cyclical process occurring every five years. Each year, agencies must submit annual reports in preparation for reaccreditation, which is a new and independent review of the academy/program.