The FLETA Office of Accreditation (OA) conducted the second pilot of the newly revised Assessor Training Program (ATP) at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) in Glynco, GA, March 3-5, 2020. There were twelve volunteers from various agencies attending the program. Additionally, Ms. Crystal Johnson, FLETA OA Staff Assistant attended the program as a developmental opportunity. All three Program Managers and the Executive Director were present to assist and audit the program.
The ATP now has three parts:
Pre-ATP – Delivered online via FLETA HSIN. Participants are required to complete all Pre-ATP blocks of instruction, reading assignments, and written exams PRIOR to attending the in-person portion of the program. (Required to complete)
In-Person ATP – The three-day in-person aspects of the program focuses on the knowledge, abilities, and tasks required to complete the assessment. There is more hands-on practice with reviewing files, writing assessment comments, and performing as a team. (Required to complete)
Post-ATP – After graduation from the blended ATP (Pre and In-Person), graduates have access to exercises that they may use to further develop their skills as they await assignment as an On-the-Job (OJT) assessor. Post-ATP exercises will be available via the FLETA HSIN. (Optional development opportunities)
To learn more about the requirements for attending the ATP and to download the assessor application, click here.